Welcome to 5D BossBabe Activation!

  • No more playing small or hiding in the closet as you shift into a woman who owns her voice and shares her message and vision with the world⁠ — shame, guilt, and embarrassment FREE!

  • Have women saying “I want what SHE has” and holding out their credit cards to you as you share your magnetic presence and life-changing content with them.

  • Give the flip to the naysayers who say, “Who are you to be successful?” and instead awaken your inner Queen who shines her bright light and attracts dream clients and riches beyond her wildest dreams.

  • Become a 6 or 7-figure business boss as you own your voice, power, and presence in the online world.

  • Farewell feeling stuck in a soul-destroying job with toxic colleagues as you free your soul and its powerful intuition to guide you into a deeply fulfilling, purposeful career with people you love and who love and support you in return.

  • Shake off the burden of others’ expectations and shift into a confident woman who knows exactly what her soul wants to do and be and isn’t afraid to tell people so.

  • Dance out the toxic energy that’s draining your life force and awaken the limitless energy of your soul to feel vibrant, lit up, and ready to be the Queen of your own reality!

Meet The Coach!

Author - Attorney - Coach

Marieta Oslanec

Marieta's coaching style is a fusion of intuitive downloads, mindset work, meditation techniques that she developed during meditation retreats over the years, and business strategy acquired over 10 years as an entrepreneur and successful biz attorney featured in Forbes. Marieta is teaching her unique quantum blueprint to activate your genius ( 21 universal laws that she channeled into her best-selling book Love is the Law). You will receive Marieta's soulful mentorship, vision questing, and holding sacred space as she lovingly supports you to rise into your highest alignment. Marieta's mission is to empower women to rise to riches, turn their passion into profit, and uplift humanity!

What You Get

  • 3 hours+ of high-vibe content that will accelerate your growth! (Including  5D entrepreneurship formula, 5D business strategy, and my manifestation tools to help you turn your passion into a profit (value of 3,000 USD).

  • Wealth Activation Training: 21 Universal Laws and how to apply them to your business (value 999 USD).

  • 2 Meditations (Open Your Heart and Your Future Self in business) value $100.

  • The LITL Blueprint How I 5X my income in 2 months and how can YOU energetically tune into a frequency of wealth, restructure your current business & elevate your brand (value of 1999 USD).

  • Training on creating a purpose-driven business that is heart-centered and profitable in 5D New Earth (value of 1999 USD).

  • The Abundance Blueprint Training (value of 299 USD) to accelerate your growth and make your first 10K. 

  • Love is the Law Book: 21 Laws to Activate Your Genius & Uplift Humanity. Value of $25. 

  • Training on How to Publish Your Book Like a Pro Without Needing a Publisher! Value of $500. 

OVER $8,000 in VALUE! 

ENROLL NOW for $697 only (the regular price is $1,999).  

Build Your Soulful Empire, Gorgeous! It's time!

Join 5D Bossbabe Activation today!

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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Access the Love is the Law Workshop

    • Love is the Law Workshop for Beginners

    • Love is the Law E-book PDF

    • Heal Your Heart Meditation Bonus

    • Bonus Training: 3 Steps to 5X Your Income

    • Bonus #3 Get Rich Workshop

    • Bonus #4 5 Steps to Turn Your Passion Into Profit

    • My 5D Entrepreneur Formula (Grow to 10K in 6 weeks!)

    • How to Grow a 5D Purpose-Driven Biz to 5-Figure Months

  • 2

    More love vibes!

    • Resources and further reading

    • Book a Strategy Session with Marieta


From Confusion to Clarity!

Nicola Dunn

When I started with Marieta, I was suffering from a lot of overwhelm, confusion and uncertainty. She has since helped me to not only gain clarity around what my purpose is in this world, she has shifted my mother mindset, and given me the knowledge and tools required to bring my dream business to life. Marieta has been incredibly patient and supportive every step of the way, whilst also pushing me to step into my power and truly believe in myself I finally feel like all the pieces are falling into place, and Marieta’s guidance has played a significant role in that.I will always be grateful for Marieta’s coaching, it was genuinely life changing for me and I cannot recommend her highly enough!

Why Work With Me


will have real-world 10+ years of proven business experience in applying the strategies they teach. 

will have a solid and profitable business they built from scratch, without marrying a rich husband! 

is a marketing, copywriting, branding, and business mentor who generously and lovingly shares her knowledge. 

is a world-class business attorney with 10 years of experience. 

will give you the perfect mix of proven business, growth strategies, spiritually solid mindset, and energy principles that will rewire your business and life. 

is a best-selling author of the spiritual book Love is the Law, which will activate your genius. 

who has participated in several intense meditation retreats worldwide and has thousands of hours of meditation experience

who is trained in metaphysics, neuro-semantics, reiki, energy, and mindset work

who invested 100K+ in various business mentors, marketing & branding trainings, mindset work, quantum physics & self-development trainings. 

who is a self-made success story of an immigrant woman who came to the US with $700 and was able to achieve the impossible. 



Enroll now & get additional bonuses!

  • Heal Your Heart Meditation + Future Self Meditation

    Heal Your Heart Meditation will help you let go of your past pains, heal your broken heart, and become whole again. Future-self meditation will activate your frequency to step into your purpose and embody your future self. Value of 100 USD.

  • Love is the Law Ebook

    Love is the Law Book consist of 21 Universal Laws to Help You activate your inner genius and step into your greatness potential. Applying these laws will immediately shift your reality and you experience a radical change. Value of 25 USD.

  • 3 Steps to 5X Your Income Training

    3 Steps to 5X your income is a blueprint that I've used to multiply my income in 60 days. I teach you the foundation to double, triple, or even 5x your income. Value of 999 USD.

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Love is the Law Workshop Intermediate

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    $5,997.00The Soulful 6-Figure Woman

    Learn how to publish a book like a Pro and create a coaching business empire around your message.
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  • $5,555.00

    $5,555.00Divine Soulmate Immersion

    Ready to write and publish your book? Let me show you how.
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