4-months of deep mentoring to break down the walls around your heart to activate your divine feminine, so you can manifest the divine soulmate you've been waiting for.

Dear Divine Woman, 

You're here because deep down you know that it's time to reunite with your divine masculine. 

Deep down you know that he is out there waiting for you to call him. 

Deep down you know that it's time to embody your divine feminine and stop dating the wrong men. 

It's time to open your heart, Gorgeous, and you know it. 

Doesn't matter how painful your past is, you know that your time is up! 

You feel that you deserve to live your Fairytale. 


You know that you were NOT born to live in a single town forever. 

You know that hiding behind toxic relationships doesn't serve you anymore. 

Enough is enough! 

Listen, gorgeous, I get it. 

I have been there myself. 

After my ex betrayed me and I not only ended up with a broken heart, but I also lost my business, I was extremely determined to find myself and never make the same mistake. 

I was determined to fall in love with myself once and for all. 

I went on a self-healing beautiful journey that took 8 years of my life. 

I participated in meditation silence retreats around the world, spent hours in deep silence, read many books, and attended countless seminars, and conferences with the intention to manifest "the one".

During one of my meditations, I had a download to write a book for other heartbroken women. Love is the Law book was published in two different languages and yet I was still single. 

During a pandemic, I was visiting my parents in a small village in Slovakia where I decided to quantum leap and manifest my love. 

I was done attracting the wrong men. 

I was done playing the victim. 

I was ready for true love. 

I knew deep down that I could no longer chase "the one" anymore. I knew that it was time for me to apply what I preach in my book. 

I deeply surrendered to the Universe. 

During the lockdown, as I practiced the energy work, I decided to play with the quantum field. 

I knew that manifesting the one was not a matter of dating or applying another tedious 3D approach. 

In fact, I deleted all dating apps and turned within. 

In a few months' time, I manifested my soulmate who is Slovak American and lives in the US.  He randomly visited Slovakia, purchased my book translated into Slovak ("Pocuvaj Srdce") and that's how we united. 

Speaking of true quantum magic! 

5 Days later he came for my bday and since then we have been together. 

3 Months later he proposed under the giant Angel Oak three in Kiawah Island and we got married in a romantic Charleston, SC 3 months later. 

Now, speaking of quantum creation and manifesting true love, here is what I know for sure. 

To manifest true love you need to earn it. 

Earning true love means activating the love within you that has been there waiting for you all the time. 

It's about becoming someone else. 

It's about becoming the Queen that you are meant to become. 

It's about stepping into a parallel reality and claiming it. 

Once you activate your new self, you must realign the energy and claim what is yours. 

You absolutely must hold the vision and the new reality of yourself NO MATTER WHAT. 

And therefore you are here, beautiful divine woman. 

Together, we are going to activate your divine Queen of Love and manifest your King in the next 4 months. 

I can't wait to witness your divine transformation and sacred union. 

Here is What You Get

Dear Goddess, here is what you get in this coaching program:

  • Awaken your inner Queen of Love to release the toxic relationship patterns that keep you stuck attracting the same toxic guys, and manifest your King so you can manifest your fairtytale.

  • Release feeling like a rejected Cinderella in your relationships, and put on your glass slippers and tiara to become a Queen who commands love and respect.

  • Bury the victim princess who tells you that manifesting true love is impossible and life is meant to be a struggle, and shift into a Queen of Love who attracts her King.

  • Break free of the chains keeping you trapped in the same vicious circle attracting toxic relationships, and step into a powerful abundant divine woman who attracts abundance of love.

  • Transform your energy from attracting the wrong men and activate your divine feminine to effortlessly attract your divine masculine.

  • Drop all your fears and awaken your inner Queen of Beauty to feel and look more gorgeous than ever before, lit up, and deserving of lashings of love and abundance.

  • Step into your divine purpose, active deeper levels of love and fall in love with yourself.

Your Divine Curriculum

Here is your Soulmate Immersion Roadmap

  • MODULE 1: The Healing Journey: this is where we start your journey of self-love. In order to manifest your King, we need to let go of your past traumas, heal your broken heart and open up to divine guidance.

  • MODULE 2: Self-Love Activation: your self-love is the foundation of your sacred union. I will show you how to love yourself more and activate the Queen of Love within you to shine bright like a diamond.

  • MODULE 3: The Soulmate Activation: this third step is absolutely necessary to call in your King. We will get super crystal clear on who is your soulmate, we tap into 5D field to connect with him and we will call him into your 3D reality.

  • MODULE 4: Fall in Love With Your Body. In order for you to call in your divine masculine, we need to make sure you're comfortable in your divine feminine. This includes your body image, weight and overall look. I will share some of my strategies and tips how I was able to lose weight, feel better and sexier in my body to feel more like myself: Divine Beautiful Goddess.

  • MODULE 5: Heal Your Money Relationship: here is the ugly truth. Being financially broke is not sexy. If you want to attract financially free man you need to fall in love with money, honey! We will activate your WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS and I will share how I was able to 3x my income in just 60 days.

  • MODULE 6: Activate Your Divine Purpose: you're here for a reason. The reason is deeper than you can imagine. Your purpose is to discover this reason and live your authentic life in service to others. If you feel stuck at the moment, jobless or doing work that you hate, we absolutely must rewire yourself to align with your soul mission. The last thing you want is to attract a broke man who hates his job, right? Remember, we attract who we are, not what we want.

  • MODULE 7: Monetize Your Passion into a Profit: This is where we take your purpose to the next level. I will briefly share how to monetize your passion into a profit and live and breathe your purpose.

  • MODULE 8: The Key to His Heart: in this module we will focus on understanding the perspective of your divine masculine. We will do Q&A with my dear husband/my divine soulmate to share his unique perspective on how men think when it comes to dating, marriage, and divine union.

Bonus Material ($3,000 of additional value)

If you enroll in the next 24 hours and pay in full!

  • 1 week of 1-on-1 Coaching with Marieta

    1 week of daily ten-minute access to Marieta's Whatsapp/Voxer for private 1-on-1 mentorship. Value of $3,000.

  • Love is the Law BOOK

    A Free copy of Marieta's "Love Bible" Love is the Law to activate your genius and Queen of Love. Value priceless.

  • Bonus Healing Meditation

    Bonus healing meditation and future-self meditation to activate your feminine energy and heal your broken heart. Value of $50.


Usual pricing: $10,000. 

CLAIM YOUR PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIP VALUED AT $4,445 for 24 hours. The Program starts in January 2023. 

Enroll now for $5,555  only if you sign up in the next 24 hours and pay in full. 

PAY IN FULL: $5,555 + receive the pay-in-full bonus of 1 x week of 1-on-1 coaching with Marieta over Whatsapp/Voxer. Valued at $3,000.

PAYMENT PLAN: $2,555 down and $1,997 x 2 monthly payments. 

Click here to access the payment plan. 

Contact [email protected] for more assistance.


  1. 1 x 90-minute MAGICAL KICK-OFF CALL. This is where we crystallize your intentions and create a transformative plan tailored for you to align with your deepest desires and create a new vibrational setpoint to birth them into your reality with ease and grace! It’s time to open your heart to limitless receiving! VALUE: $2,000.

  2. 8 x 90 - 120 min intensive coaching sessions with Marieta. VALUE: $20,000.

  3. 1 Week of M-F Private Access to my Whatsapp/Voxer for daily check-ins if paid in full. VALUE: $3,000.

  4. 6 x Monthly Live Q&A with Marieta to answer your questions. VALUE of $10,000.

  5. 2 x Deeply Healing Sessions to heal your broken heart and step into your new future. VALUE priceless.

  6. 2 x Meditation Sessions to Activate Your Queen of Love and call in your King. VALUE priceless.

  7.  Access to Private Soulmate Immersion Community to interact with like-minded Goddesses and experience true sisterhood, love, and divine support. VALUE of $2,000.


  8. Love is the Law book: 21 Laws to Activate Your Genius and Uplift Humanity. Value of $25.

  9. Money Mindset Training: Remove your money blocks and activate your divine receiving today. Value of $2,000.

  10. Healing Mediation: Heal Your Heart and Open Up to a total Abundance. Value of $100.

Over $40,000 in total value. 

ENROLL NOW, Gorgeous!

Claim Your Scholarship of $4,445 in the next 24 hours!

Sign Up Now!

Upgrade to VIP Experience

Add 1-on-1 VIP Mentoring with Marieta

Experience deeper support and a quantum leap in 1-on-1 private coaching with Marieta. You will get 3 months of VIP access to Marieta's Whatsapp/Voxer for daily check-ins and private Q&A. Value of $10,000. Get it for an additional one-time payment of $4,445 ( $10,000 including the entire program). If you need a payment plan please contact [email protected].
Upgrade Now!

Why Work with Me


will have a best-selling spiritual book, published in two different languages, on how to apply the universal laws and activate the love inside of you to manifest your divine soulmate. 

is a living example who a woman who struggled to find true love, did the inner work, healed her broken heart, and manifested her true love.

will give you the perfect mix of proven strategy, mindset, energy work, and spiritually solid principles that will rewire your mind and activate your divine feminine Queen. 

truly embodies what she preaches in her book Love is the Law and is trained in metaphysics, neuro-semantics, reiki, energy, and mindset inner work.

who is a success story of a woman who was single for 8 years, and who ended up engaged with the love of her life in just 3 months after she started to apply her Love is the Law formula. 

About Marieta

Author - Attorney - Coach

Marieta Oslanec

Marieta's coaching style is a fusion of intuitive downloads, mindset work, meditation techniques that she developed during meditation retreats over the years, and business strategy acquired over 10 years as an entrepreneur and successful biz attorney featured in Forbes. Marieta is teaching her unique quantum blueprint to activate your genius ( 21 universal laws that she channeled into her best-selling book Love is the Law). You will receive Marieta's soulful mentorship, vision questing, and holding sacred space as she lovingly supports you to rise into your highest alignment. Marieta's mission is to empower women to rise to riches, turn their passion into profit, and uplift humanity!

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